Booking Information:

  • Jan Dolan, Booking Agent - Folktale Productions
  • E-mail:
  • Phone:314-968-2606
  • FAX:314-968-4438

Sample Programs 

Points of Entry (workshop or keynote)
We each – as teachers, and teaching artists – have the opportunity to fuel the flame of learning. We hold keys that can unlock joy and curiosity and enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. We know ways to engage children in an avid quest for knowledge, and methods of teaching that address all ways of knowing and styles of learning. Storytelling provides the all-important points of entry, enabling students to be active, to experience things directly, and to express themselves in ways that best suit each child. This workshop or keynote explores why and how storytelling creates successful points of entry into learning for all students.
Always a Story: The Impact of Storytelling on Literacy (Workshop or Keynote)
Stories and storytelling provide highly engaging tools for effectively achieving language arts educational standards. Techniques for learning the structure of stories, building vocabulary, encouraging creativity, stretching attention spans, and identifying other language standards will be demonstrated. Woven into this standards focus workshop will be a brief history of storytelling and how storytelling in the public library promotes literacy and library usage. Activities and handouts.
From Generation to Generation…to Generativity (Workshop or Keynote)
From the beginning of time, stories have been passed down from generation to generation. As the storytelling revival enters midlife (it’s 36 years old!), we as a storytelling community must prepare to pass the revival down to the next generation, enriched and nurtured and well-tended. How do we rise to the midlife responsibility of generativity?
Planting Stories in a Child's Imagination (Workshop or Keynote)
Stories plant seeds of understanding -- of passion -- of curiosity -- of delight! Stories introduce kids to the joys of nature, connect them to their environment and lead them to appreciate and nurture their planet. As Sherry shares some tales, she will demonstrate how stories can be used to engage children's attention, motivate learning and teach important concepts. Join the fun as she leads us through a hands-on story-creation process that will get you ready to tell a tale or two yourself!