Annette Harrison, Teaching Artist

A multi-talented storyteller, performer, author, and educator, Annette draws her listeners in with her amazing dramatic abilities. Her high energy, sometimes over the top and always-heartfelt delivery has earned her the title of “kid-magnet.” The children shout “You're funny!” and she is, but serious and important messages are hidden within the stories. Annette feels strongly about teaching through storytelling, whether it be character education, important events in history, or giving insights into the diverse cultures of the world. She has traveled throughout the United States performing, teaching, and giving keynote addresses. She has written two highly acclaimed storytelling resource books and was co-host of Gator Tales, a children's television program on CBS promoting literacy, responsibility, and self-esteem. In 2011, the National Storytelling Network awarded Annette Harrison the National ORACLE Award for Regional Storytelling Excellence.
- “I am speechless! Your performance was absolutely exquisite...”
- - Springboard to Learning
- “Annette Harrison is gloriously, emphatically alive!”
- - Missouri State Teachers Association
Annette Harrison - Career Highlights
- Gator Tales, CBS Television, St. Louis
- Performed in over 90% of the school districts in Metro St Louis
- Young Audiences, St. Louis, 33 years
- Resident Storyteller in Early Childhood Centers, 25 years
- Storytelling Residencies in MO and IL, 25 years
- Author: Award-Winning “Easy-to-Tell Stories for Young Children,” National Storytelling Press
- “Storytelling Activities Kit” with Jerilynn Changar, Ph.D., Prentice Hall
- International School, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Catholic Grieving and Bereavement Conference, Montana (Keynote)
- Wyoming Early Childhood Conference, (Keynote)
- Young Author's Conferences, (Keynotes)
- St. Louis Storytelling Festival, Featured in 1988 & 1999
- St. Louis Storytelling Festival Board
- Storytelling Course at University of Missouri, St. Louis, 15 years
- Crucial Early Years Conference, 20 years
- Literacy Workshops for Missouri Humanities Council
- Storyteller for Music!Words!Opera!, St. Louis Opera Theatre
- Eighth Grade American History Teacher, Baltimore, MD